Check your encryption settings:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Control Panel
  4. Click Network Connections
  5. Right-click on the icon and click Properties
  6. Select the Security tab
  7. Ensure the option Allow Unsecured Password is selected
  8. Ensure Typical Settings is selected

Check your modem settings:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Control Panel
  4. Click the Modem icon or the Phone and Modem Options icon
  5. Look for the name of your modem
  6. Go to the Properties or Settings of your modem
  7. Make sure the maximum port speed is set appropriately (ie. 56K modems would choose 57600 etc)
  8. Click the Advanced tab.
  9. Click Change Default Settings.
  10. Ensure Disconnect if idle for… is not checked
  11. Ensure Cancel call if not connected in… is checked and set this number to 180
  12. Click OK until you have excited the modem settings.
  13. Try connecting again; you may need to restart first.